Tuesday, May 19, 2009

French & Indian War Commemoration logo

The poster (coming soon) and logo kind of came about at the same time. The poster was where the logo was born. I wound up using the logo for various other materials (that I'll be posting soon as well). I think that in my nearly 10 years of experience at I Love NY, this was the most exciting and rewarding project I have had the opportunity to work on. So romantic. So dramatic. I listened to the Last of the Mohicans and Glory and Patriot and Pocahontas soundtracks for days and weeks while working on this. It put me in such a great creative and dramatic mindset. You can see the cinematic influence in the drama of the look and feel of these pieces. So many people commented that the campaign looked like promo for a movie. Good! That's what I wanted. They got excited to go see the re-enactments. It became more than just dry history.

Most rewarding: the commission reported attendance and revenue for the 2007 season were up an astounding 361% over 2006!!! That is CRAZY ROI!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

USA Niagara Development Corporation newsletter

This is a newsletter I designed for the USA Niagara Development Corporation. I also designed their logo, stationary, numerous ads, tradeshow displays, and various other print materials. As a whole, the body of marketing materials received an award for excellence. I'm trying to find the email that stated what exactly the award was. When i find it, i'll update this post.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I LOVE NEW YORK seasonal microsites

These screenshots are all that's left of the work I did on these projects. They were seasonal sites I did a few years back. I designed the original template, and then was the sole production person on every page. The fall one was the most robust...more that 50 pages in that sucker. These were mostly utilized for ad tracking and specialized information that didn't have a home on iloveny.com (the parent site).

North Jersey Rowing website

This is a website I built for a New Jersey rowing organization. Originally, this site included third party course registration integration.

Hearts on Fire website

This is a website that's currently in development. It's my uncle's band. Good stuff!